Slump Is A Temporary Inevitability

Slumps, lows, spirals, blues.. they’re all inevitable. It’s absolutely unlikely that we will always be on the rise, reaching higher without a misstep or two. Our minds can get exhausted, suffer from temporary vulnerabilities, and find it difficult to cope with the world. It’s okay to feel intimidated occasionally by the changes that await us, the uncertainties that seem to swallow us, the disappointments that suddenly surface, and the unmet expectations which overwhelmingly make you doubt the reasons for your choices in life. It’s okay!

Then what’s not okay? Well, I am learning that plenty of things actually. For one, it’s not okay to feel pathetic about myself for feeling the way I mentioned above. It’s depressing, it’s uncool, it’s dark, and it’s hopeless, BUT IT’S ME DAMMIT. I fail to back myself up, nobody else is going to consider me a safe enough bet to wager on.

Also, if I love my confident, effervescent, jolly self, I need to equally cherish my sad old unhappy self too. Whoever heard of a body choosing to cherish it’s left arm over the right or vice versa?

And disappointments are a part of life. A lot of people say “it’s all a part of growing up”, but hey, how can you discount the hardships I faced in my younger days? Lack of experience certainly didn’t help with those bruises, and well, experience and age haven’t really taught me (yet) to be indifferent to them.

Bottom line is, I feel, to realize that things will occasionally hit a stop. Shit will hit the fan, emotions will go berserk, confusion and uncertainty will reign, your brain will not churn out ideas and solutions at the pace you expect to maintain, things will sometimes be tough to grasp, you will miss deadlines, you will act flaky, you will want to play hooky from work, you will want to regress into a carefree child. But that’s okay! It’s temporary. And it’s inevitable. Support yourself through it, just as you would a friend (you ARE a supportive friend, right?), and remind yourself that this will blow over. Because it definitely will. And things will become easier to cope with again. You will be driven once again, you will close the doors on your escape routes, and go back to the place you placed your sitting seat. So just keep your chin up, and hold onto yourself to see it blow over.

When love knocks on your door

When love knocks on your door

Ask it honestly,

Are you alone, or accompanied

By your brethren

For you alone cannot satiate me.

I seek the comfort of trust

As much as the ode of respect,

With dignity and equality

As the sisters that propel you.

You in your solitude

Are likely to combust

And turn into smoke.

Your tattered remnants will never

Inspire a second look.

But accompanied by them,

You will survive even when

Your eyesight dims,

Your listening fades

Your smile frowns

And your light moves

towards the shadows.